Simplify your duty drawback process

The most seamless way to complete your drawback claim and to receive a refund of up to 99% on your customs duties and fees.

Cargo Ship

Claim what's yours

Receive money back on duties, tariffs, and fees your company has already paid on imports with qualifying activity - including exports and destroyed goods.

Skip the heavy lifting

Dutywise provides an end-to-end platform to complete your claim filing, and offers seamless integrations for data collection, preparation, validation, and submission to CBP.

No up front cost

There is no cost to start work with us - we only get paid after the claim is accepted by CBP.

Seamless data collection

No more hunting down your data across the company. Retrieve the data directly from your ERP and ACE account for seamless data collection.

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Claim validation

Streamline your claim using our proprietary validation engine to flag potential issues and correct them before claim submission.

Complete document retention

Securely store all your filing related documents with Dutywise for easy retrieval and records management of your claim. Simplify your program compliance without needing to make changes to your internal systems.

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The Dutywise platform

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State of the art technology

A modern cloud-based platform to handle your drawback claim from start to finish

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Document management

Hassle free storage of your necessary documents to meet compliance requirements

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ERP Integration

Simplify data collection and future claims with direct integration to your ERP

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Audit support

We stand by our work with support for all CBP inquiries related to your claim submission

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Meets CBP requirements for US customs data management and processing

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Bank grade security and encryption ensuring your data is private and protected

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Duty Drawback?

Drawback is the refund of duties, taxes and fees collected upon the importation of goods and refunded when the merchandise is exported or destroyed. Up to 99% of duties, taxes, and fees paid at import can be refunded upon evidence of export or destruction with a filed drawback claim.

Why have I not heard about duty drawback? Is it a new program?

Many exporters are not aware of the program even though they qualify. Duty Drawback is the oldest trade program in the United States, enacted by the second Act of Congress in 1789. The updated Section 301 tariffs in 2018 that tax the import of Chinese goods have significantly increased the potential for drawback claims.

Who is qualified for drawback?

The exporter qualifies for the benefit of the drawback claim. In some cases, an importer can file a claim with cooperation from their export partner, or if the goods were destroyed and never exported. Additionally, records on import, export (or destruction), and chain of custody inventory for the goods are needed in order to qualify for and file the drawback claim.

How much does it cost?

Dutywise provides a free consultation to get started and see if you might qualify. There is no up front cost to file the claim, Dutywise only charges on a successful claim, when you get your money back.

Are you eligible?

Billions of dollars every year are left unclaimed and you may qualify without knowing. Consult for free with a Dutywise drawback expert today to find out if you may be eligible. Get started by contacting us below.

Contact Us

Drop us a line below, or feel free to email us anytime at

The automated platform for Duty Drawback

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